AIM is a 'non-profit association born in 1987on a project by Luigi Guatri, Giancarlo Mazzocchi, Mario Monti and lawyer Pier Giuseppe Torrani who involved a group of Milanese businesses and banks with the aim of supporting Milan in its cultural, social and economic development through the promotion of projects, research , initiatives and publications.
Its lines of action were mainly two: on the one hand the study on the Milanese reality and its peculiarities and needs, on the other the realization of some concrete projects in the field of culture, territory and art.
Over a hundred publications produced in the two series "AIM notebooks" is "Projects for the city"- volumes published at the publisher Abitare Segesta - which retrace the change of Milan at the turn of the millennium, its innovative capabilities and the development lines of the metropolitan area. To these are added "AIM Guides - Urban Center".
Hundreds of opportunities for debate, study and promotion of knowledge of the city, all conducted often with institutional collaborations that have seen AIM alongside the Lombardy Region, Province and City of Milan, Assolombarda and Chamber of Commerce and especially the Milanese Universities.
Among the most significant projects, the 1990 study for "Biopolo Milan", developed with Assolombarda and the Bicocca University;International competition of ideas for the Garibaldi Repubblica area "
in 1992 with the Municipality of Milan; the proposal of "Telesoccorso service "for the elderly and disabled; the initiative of "MxM-Milan for Multimedia "
with innovative feasibility projects on the national scene; the development of the "Mediateca di Santa Teresa "
in the mid-90s with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and with the Lombardy Region and Banca Popolare di Milano; the ideation of "Internet Saloon "
which led to the literacy of internet use by almost 65,000 seniors in Milan and seven other Italian cities.
Among the projects of recent years we find the guided itineraries of "To know Milan"which was attended by thousands of citizens to discover the urban and metropolitan transformation sites developed with the Urban Center of the City of Milan, the editorial series"Report Milan"which intends to promote the dynamics of the metropolitan area, the ecological infrastructures"Green rays"and the cycling itineraries"LET", for the promotion of the green city and the strengthening of the environmental system, the research"Habito, "on the innovation of housing models, the" Cdigital literacy bears ".
The first President of AIM was prof. Luigi Guatri (1987-1997) succeeded by lawyer Pier Giuseppe Torrani (1997-2012) today Honorary President of the Association. The current President is prof. Carlo Berizzi.
With the 2016 AIM inaugurates the headquarters of via San Vincenzo 13, a place open to the city where you can develop projects, debates and exhibitions on the metropolitan city.
AIM has been supported in its thirty-year activity by several partners, expression of the Milanese business reality (including Pirelli, RCS, Snam, Italcementi, Microsoft, Siemens, IBM and numerous banks) in collaboration with the main local institutions, Lombardy Region, Province of Milan, the City of Milan, Assolombarda, the Chamber of Commerce, the Cariplo Foundation and the Milanese Universities.
In 2018 AIM members are:
A2A, Credito Valtellinese, 3M Foundation, MM, Scenari Immobiliari, Intesa Sanpaolo and Sigest spa.